
In protest of protest

Riots. Aggression. Conflict.
If there's one thing we can learn from the University fees protests, it's that violence doesn't pay. Ever. Although I completely understand students' anger at the government's decision to raise tuition fees, this does not justify blatant, out of control protesters on the streets.
Many feel abandoned, deceived even, by their votes for the Liberal Democrats in this year's election which lead to a coalition government, but their unruly behaviour shouldn't bring about destruction and putting innocent people in harms way. Police, members of the public and even Royals were all caught up in the latest spate of protests, and these are not the ones making the decision to change the system.
Due to kettling and anti-riot tactics of the Police, many protesters became aggravated and more and more riled up, leading to smashed shop windows, fighting and talks of setting fire to a public Christmas tree. So why should these people be give money by hard working tax-payers to fund their education, (at the current cost, and what it will be in future) if the education they've had so far hasn't taught them violence is wrong? This is the part I am most confused about.
Peaceful protests and sit-ins would make those involved seem a lot more worthy, and these have happened across the country. A mature stance, rather than an aggressive one, might just have swayed those 21 votes that decided the outcome.
A little different to my usual posts I know, but I wanted to have my say on the topic.

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